Sector News
Lightweight Construction with Polyurethane Timing Belts
A barely manageable demand for rotor blade repairs is looming on the horizon in the wind power industry. The solution: A mobile service platform of the Brandenburg-based company WP Systems GmbH has doubled the number of possible maintenance assignments per year compared to previous systems. The platform features BRECO® timing belt drives, which play an important part in weight reduction.
We are witnessing a positive trend: With 100 terawatts supplied by onshore wind power plants, this eco-friendly power source was the second most common source in 2018, ahead of even nuclear energy and coal. However, the necessary systems cannot withstand their expected 20 year service life without repairs and service work. It is hard to believe, but the rotor blades made of glass fibre reinforced plastic are particularly affected by erosion, lightning strikes and tears caused by high fluctuating loads. In Germany, the rotor blades are generally inspected every two years by service technicians using cable systems. “However, repair work on a cable has not stood the test of time and proper laminate repair work is just not really possible when you are working from a cable”, explains Ole Renner, one of the two directors of WP Systems, a company specialising in maintenance of rotor blades and dismantling of wind power plants.
He adds: “There is a trend toward mobile service platforms. The state of the art today is represented by open service platforms, i.e. open frame structures which bring to mind mobile scaffolds. Once their frame is stabilised on the tower,they are hoisted up on the rotor using winches. These simple service platforms allow our service technicians to sand the rotor blades, laminate them with polyester resin and seal them with a coating.” But a problem remains: Application of laminates and resins is only possible when there is barely any rain and temperatures are no lower than 12 °C. This makes rotor repairs practically impossible in winter and leaves only a few hours a day in the transition periods. It is also impossible to perform repair work in wind speeds of over 12 m/s.
Ole Renner explains: “So far, these three factors have limited the possible service days to an average of only 60 to, at most, 100 days per location. That is the result of our statistical analysis of weather data for several wind parks. For the industry, this seasonal business with 30,000 plants in Germany alone is a huge challenge.”
Concept for the system terra 1.1
Holger Müller, an expert with years of experience in the field of wind power and director of WP Systems explains the idea of the mobile service platform terra 1.1 like this:
“Our approach was to develop a complete system, which would allow year-round rotor blade repairs. That requires not just one but several innovations:
• To provide a dry environment, the service platform must form a water-tight enclosure around the repair area. Moreover, the mechanism must be adaptable to various contours and cross-sections.
• A solution for applying resins at low temperatures must be found.
• The service platform must be transportable with conventional tandem axle trailers. This means that the weight of the trailer and platform is limited to 3.5 tonnes.”
With this complicated goal in mind, an interdisciplinary team of machine engineers and experts in materials and lightweight construction as well as simulation specialists founded WP Systems in 2015.
Structural solution for the service platform terra 1.1
Within only a few years, the new team fulfilled all requirements with the terra 1.1 system, including the extremely stringent ones for a certification that includes work at night. The new service platform terra 1.1 is really a mobile workshop. It consists of a lightweight aluminium structure, which can be turned into a wind-proof work chamber using tarpaulins and doors and is equipped with everything that is necessary such as power, light, tools and repair materials. To close the gap between the rotor blade and the floor or ceiling in a flexible manner, adjustable covers were developed in Ruhland, which are adapted to the aerodynamic contours of the rotor blades. They can be positioned at a distance of only a few centimetres from any rotor blade.
A rubber sheet with suction cups seals the remaining gap between the covers and the rotor blades to make it water-tight. This makes it possible to perform repairs even when it is raining. To allow resin to be applied on days with temperatures below 12 °C, the developers at WP Systems use infra-red radiators to heat up the repair area. Within only a few minutes, this method creates temperatures of over 30 °C, even in low ambient temperatures. Moreover,the polyester resin and hardener are stored in a heated transport box to ensure that the temperature chain is never interrupted. With this type of preparation, repair work of any duration is now possible at temperatures as low as 0°C and even, for brief periods, at temperatures as low as -10 °C.
Timing belt drives for supporting and rotating the work chamber
Moving the chamber along the rotor blade mainly requires three different movements: Height adjustment using cable winches, the movement and support on the tower using the support structure and the rotation of the chamber around its vertical axis, so that it can follow the contours of the rotor blade as closely as possible. The chamber is suspended by rollers from two C-arch sections to permit rotation. The arch sections themselves are screwed to an aluminium hollow section frame. The hollow sections on its long side are guided on a 15.5 metre long support frame.
The greatest challenge: Weight reduction
It was a special development challenge to keep the weight lower than the permissible total weight of the tandem axis trailer of 3.5 tonnes. Ole Renner describes the conflicts of objectives: “Even though we made consistent use of the opportunities offered by lightweight construction from the very beginning, we had to come up withsomething new for the drive of the hollow section frame on the 15 m telescopic frame, so that we could maintain the target weight. Rack and pinion drives made of steel are simply too heavy. A systematic comparison of drive types soon showed us the potential of lightweight timing belt drives.
André Schmidt, sales engineer at the Leipzig location of the Mulco partner Wilhelm Herm. Müller GmbH & Co. KG (WHM) describes the start of the project: “WP Systems‘ plan was simple yet ingenious: The timing belt is fastened to the end of the support frame and an omega timing belt drive on the bearing frame moves the work chamber to the desired position. However, our first designs were followed by a rude awakening. The calculated tensile force was so high that it clearly exceeded the permissible forces for the support frame-particularly at the top position of the service platform near the rotor shaft-creating a risk of buckling. Higher dimensions for the steel sections were out of the question for weight reasons. We then suggested to WP Systems that the two belt deflection mechanisms of the omega drive should be positioned so closely to the belt pulleys that they would create a positive guide for the timing belt around the pulley. This makes the high tensile force unnecessary for this application.” Ole Renner says: “This modification was very important for us and extremely helpful. We were able to maintain the dimensions of the support frame and finally achieve our target weight.”
Stable and weather-proof: BRECOprotect ®
André Schmidt explains how the most suitable timing belt was selected: “Standard timing belts have coiling noses at the tooth root surface. The steel tension members are unprotected in this area and if the environment is humid, corrosion may occur. BRECO offers stainless steel tension members, but they are not as firm as steel tension members. This means that the stainless steel version would have made the drive wider and heavier. For this application, the open-length BRECOprotect belt with fully protected steel tension member was the ideal solution, because, among other reasons, the polyurethane of this belt is particularly resistant to humid environments.” (A detailed description of the BRECOprotect can be found in the current edition of mulco innovativ on page 2 and 3.)
WP Systems used the same drive method for rotating the enclosure. In this case, the timing belt is clamped to the inside of the curved C-section and fastened to its ends, with another omega drive between them. André Schmidt explains the added potential of this drive solution: “As this example clearly shows, an omega timing belt drive on a segment of a circle is ideal for implementing rotary, tower and pivot drives for practically any diameter. The drive requires no lubrication and is corrosion-proof.”
Ole Renner sums up the past three years of collaboration with the Mulco partner WHM and their practical experience to date: “We are very satisfied with the drive, in particular with the extremely high tensile forces that BRECO timing belts can transmit despite their low weight. That’s impressive. Mr. Schmidt and BRECO Antriebstechnik also responded to our many detailed questions during the development phase unexpectedly fast and found answers to all of them. We can now offer the wind power industry a mobile system solution for rotor blade repairs, which can be used on an average of 200 days. That makes it possible to double the repair work performed while maintaining the same personnel cost, thereby easily doubling turnover. BRECO timing belts contributed to this success.“
Sector News
Large construction site for the energy transition: RWE modernises two wind farms and increases power generation
Ground frost, gusts of wind, cold – the RWE team braved the adverse conditions. Over the next few weeks, a total of around 100 employees and experts from RWE and its partner companies will be working on two wind farms to dismantle 17 older wind turbines and replace them with 11 new, more powerful ones. By repowering the wind farms in this way, RWE can significantly increase electricity production despite using fewer turbines. This is due to the larger rotor blades being able to capture more wind and produce green electricity even when the wind is weak. At the Lesse and Barbecke sites, the company will increase capacity from 30.6 to 61.8 megawatts (MW).
Katja Wünschel, CEO RWE Renewables Europe & Australia: “43,500 is the number of the day. Once operational, the wind farms will be able to supply the equivalent of 43,500 households with green electricity. Electricity production at both sites will more than triple. Repowering is therefore making an important contribution to the success of the energy transition. But it is not only the climate that benefits, since we voluntarily pay an RWE climate bonus of 0.2 cents per kilowatt hour produced to the local communities. The town of Salzgitter and the municipalities of Lengede, Burgdorf and Söhlde can look forward to a total annual income of up to €280,000, which will be distributed among the municipalities.”
RWE opts for established wind sites in Lesse and Barbecke
The local conditions make the area suitable for wind power, with sufficient distance from the nearest villages and good wind conditions. In Lesse, RWE will replace eleven turbines of the oldest generation (total capacity 19.8 MW) with eight modern turbines with a total capacity of 44.7 MW.
In Barbecke, RWE will replace six existing turbines (total capacity 10.8 MW) with three turbines with an installed capacity of 5.7 MW each (total capacity 17.1 MW). The team has started to set up the construction site and carry out initial road works.
Any repowering project is a logistical challenge. In parallel with the new construction, the old turbines need to remain connected to the grid for as long as possible in order to continue generating green electricity.
Jens Meyer, Project manager at RWE: “We really have our hands full. While we have already laid the first foundation with a diameter of more than 26 metres for the new wind farm in Lesse, we were able to start dismantling the old plant at the same time. We are doing this in the most environmentally-friendly and resource-efficient way possible. We are leaving areas that are no longer required in such a way that they can be used without restriction after dismantling. We also reuse some of the gravel removed from roads and crane pads in the new wind farm.”
How communities benefit from wind power
RWE operates around 90 onshore wind farms in its home market. Involving citizens and local authorities in renewable energy projects is a key element in driving forward the energy transition. It promotes local acceptance. In Germany, the company gives all municipalities with an RWE wind farm a share of the profits. As the RWE climate bonus is paid per kilowatt hour of electricity generated, communities where high-capacity plants are based benefit the most. This creates an additional incentive to replace older plants with modern ones. In Lesse and Barbecke, electricity production will more than triple after repowering. Municipalities can expect to receive up to €280,000 per year of wind farm operation, up from up to €80,000. The additional income can be used, for example, to financially support local facilities such as day-care centres for children, schools and fire brigades. RWE plans to commission all new plants this coming winter.
Sector News
The EU built a record 17 GW of new wind energy in 2023 – wind now 19% of electricity production
The EU built 17 GW of new wind energy in 2023, slightly up on 2022 – and more than ever in a single year in fact. But it’s not enough to reach the EU’s 2030 targets. The EU should be building 30 GW of new wind every year between now and 2030. The actions set out in the EU Wind Power Package and European Wind Charter will help increase the annual build-out – national implementation is key. Wind was 19% of all electricity produced in Europe’s last year.
According to WindEurope data, the EU built 17 GW of new wind farms in 2023: 14 GW onshore; 3 GW offshore. These numbers are slightly up on 2022 and are the most the EU has ever built in a single year. But it’s well below the 30 GW a year that the EU needs to build to meet its new 2030 climate and energy security targets.
Germany built the most new wind capacity followed by the Netherlands and Sweden. The Netherlands built the most new offshore wind, including the 1.5 GW “Hollandse Kust Zuid” – for now the world’s largest wind farm.
The IEA estimates that Europe will build 23 GW a year of new wind over 2024-28. The actions set out in the EU Wind Power Package should deliver a significant increase in the annual build-out – and strengthen Europe’s wind energy supply chain. National implementation of the actions is key.
To that end the commitment to deliver the Wind Power Package that 26 EU Energy Ministers signed before Christmas in the European Wind Charter was key. Crucial actions include the further simplification of permitting, improvements in the design of the auctions to build new wind farms and public financial support for wind turbine manufacturing and key infrastructure.
Wind was 19% of the electricity produced in the EU last year. Hydro was 13%, solar 8% and biomass 3%. Renewables in total amounted to 44% of electricity produced.
The amount of electricity produced from 1 GW of wind continued to grow. The “capacity factor” of new onshore wind farms now ranges from 30-48%, and new offshore wind is consistently 50%. The capacity factor measures how much output you get from a unit of capacity – it varies between different renewable technologies.
Sector News
A Race to the Top China 2023: China’s quest for energy security drives wind and solar development
China is on track to double its utility-scale solar and wind power capacity and shatter the central government’s ambitious 2030 target of 1,200 gigawatts (GW) five years ahead of schedule, if all prospective projects are successfully built and commissioned, according to a new report from Global Energy Monitor (GEM).
China on track to exceed 2030 wind & solar target
With 757 GW of already operating wind and solar, and an additional 750 GW of prospective wind and solar, the majority of which expected to come online by 2025, the central government’s 2030 target is expected to be met 5 years ahead of schedule.
The Global Solar and Wind Power Trackers identify prospective projects that have been announced or are in the pre-construction and construction phases totalling approximately 379 GW of large utility-scale solar and 371 GW of wind capacity, which is roughly equal to China’s current installed operating capacity.
Nearly all of this prospective capacity is part of the government’s 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025) and enough to increase the global wind fleet by nearly half and large utility-scale solar installations by over 85%. This amount of prospective solar capacity is triple that of the United States, and accompanied by China’s significant share of approximately one-fifth of the global prospective wind capacity.
The Global Solar and Wind Power Trackers also show:
. China’s operating large utility-scale solar capacity has reached 228 GW – more than the rest of the world combined.
. China’s combined onshore and offshore wind capacity has doubled from what it was in 2017 and now surpasses 310 GW.
. Operating offshore wind capacity has reached 31.4 GW, and accounts for approximately 10% of China’s total wind capacity and exceeds the operating offshore capacity of all of Europe
“This new data provides unrivaled granularity about China’s jaw-dropping surge in solar and wind capacity. As we closely monitor the implementation of prospective projects, this detailed information becomes indispensable in navigating the country’s energy landscape.” Dorothy Mei, Project Manager at Global Energy Monitor
“China is making strides, but with coal still holding sway as the dominant power source, the country needs bolder advancements in energy storage and green technologies for a secure energy future.” Martin Weil, Researcher at Global Energy Monitor
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